tekom - Tagungen

Charming the Word Snake: Terminology Work and Language Checking with Python

  • Tutorial
  • Scripting & Tools
  • 06. November
  • 12:30 - 13:15 PM (MEZ)
  • Channel D
  • beendet
  • Folien
  •  Maximilian Rosin

    Maximilian Rosin

    • parson AG
  •  Esther Strauch

    Esther Strauch

    • parson AG


Have you ever manually extracted terms from hundreds of documents? Do you regularly check dozens of topics for violations of writing rules? Do you sometimes feel that these tasks should be automated but enterprise-grade software is too expensive? If yes, then why not build your own tools? Using Python, we will write our own scripts for terminology extraction and language checking and apply them to real-world content.

Das lernen Sie

You will get to know spaCy, an Natural-Language-Processing library for Python. Along the way you will become familiar with basic NLP concepts and how they relate to terminology work.


Basic Python knowledge helpful, but not necessary.

Basic knowledge of terminology concepts.

Interest in practical terminology work.


 Maximilian Rosin

Maximilian Rosin

  • parson AG

Maximilian Rosin is a Technical Consultant at parson AG in Hamburg, Germany, since 2020. His main focus is on technical writing and DITA-XML-based documentation.

 Esther Strauch

Esther Strauch

  • parson AG

Esther Strauch is a Technical Communicator at parson AG in Hamburg, Germany, since 2014. She supports clients with technical writing for IT and software documentation, structuring of information, analysis and optimization of existing documentation, terminology work, and terminology management.